The Proven Plan to Help You Confidently Walk in Purity

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A Life-Changing Learning Experience

Learn How to Confidently Walk in Purity Based on the Word of God Through Holistic Purity 101™

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In Holistic Purity 101™, You'll Learn How to:

Properly Define Purity According to God's Word

Identify and Conquer Attacks Against Your Mind

Articulate both the Spiritual and Practical Benefits of Abstaining from Sex Until After Marriage

Develop an Intimate Relationship with God (Know His Voice and Study His Word)

Establish Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Become a Better Steward Over Your Finances

Articulate Your Thoughts and Feelings to Others

Reduce Stress and Manage Your Time Wisely

With Holistic Purity 101™, You'll Get the Guidance You Need to:

Understand God’s Purpose for Your Life

Trust & Obey God's Instructions

Embrace Your Unique Identity

Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs

Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Others

Identify and Operate in Your Spiritual Gift(s)

Make a Real and Positive Change in Your Life and The Lives of Those Around You

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Who Is Holistic Purity 101™ for?

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I'm on the journey, but I want to ensure I understand my identity in Christ and have sound biblical insight as well as practical insight to overcome temptation when it arises.

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I love God but I want to make sure I have the right tools to help me study His Word and develop a more stronger, intimate relationship with Him.

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I know I'm destined to do great things for the glory of God, but I need help in discerning my purpose and spiritual gift(s).

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How Does Holistic Purity 101Work?

Holistic Purity 101™ provides on-demand video lessons, resources, and materials to help you grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. Holistic Purity 101™ equips you with the knowledge and tools necessary to gain a stronger sense of your God-given identity, a deeper revelation of God's character, effective communication skills, a healthier body image, freedom from sexual strongholds, a greater acceptance of God's purpose for your life, and an understanding of what it means to be a true follower of Jesus Christ.

All class materials are housed in the online portal and made available so you can watch on your own or with a small group in-person or online for community and support.

For full course details and to preview the class curriculum, see below.



Brief overview of the Holistic Purity 101 curriculum, how to use the Bible study materials provided, and summary of what you can expect from this course.


Understanding Your Identity

You'll gain a clear understanding of your identity in Christ Jesus by learning how to improve your self-esteem, adhere to your values, and make good decisions.


Building a Firm Foundation

You'll learn the foundational truths about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit so that you will have a firm foundation in the faith and be equipped to share the Gospel with others.


Establishing a Healthy Community

You'll discover how to establish a healthy community by learning how to effectively communicate with others, avoid peer pressure, and extend forgiveness to others.


Developing a Pure Outlook

You'll gain the insight necessary to become pure in mind, steward your financial resources wisely, take care of your body, reject temptation, and overcome sexual strongholds.


Discerning Your Purpose

You'll obtain all of the building blocks of discerning your God-given purpose by learning how to set goals, develop a life plan, and identify and operate in your spiritual gifts.

Get started today

Holistic Purity 101™ is the proven plan to help you confidently walk in purity based on the Word of God. With Holistic Purity 101™, you'll get:

Instant + Lifetime Access to Holistic Purity 101™ Program (Plus All Future Updates) ($597 Value)

Mentorship and Expert Guidance Provided by Erica ($497 Value)

Two Months Email Coaching ($347 Value)

Free FOCUS Principles Workbook ($97 Value)

Access on Mobile (Priceless)

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Payment Plan Available!

What Our Students Are Saying...

Highlighted below are testimonials from women who participated in sessions featuring Holistic Purity 101™ course content:

“Erica, thank you so much for being transparent, obeying God & starting this journey. Because of your sacrifices & obedience, my life has changed & I know so many others too. I am a virgin but was involved in oral sex stemming from childhood up until adulthood. It was not molestation but my friends and I were curious so we tried things we shouldn't have done at an early age. I have not told anyone about this because of shame & fear of being judged. Thanks to your workshop, I realized what the root of the stronghold was and renounced it along with sexual fantasies. I feel like a weight has been lifted. I have been praying for deliverance for a long time and God came through. I will continue to pray for your strength and grace to continue on this awesome purpose. Please keep me & my future hubby in prayer that we will stay pure until our wedding day and keep our marriage sacred. Thank you, again!!!”

Sherri, Former Women on a Journey™ Member
Former Women on a Journey™ Member

"My #1 transformation is my mindset on what purity really is and that purity is possible. I thought purity was just sexuality but purity should be in every area of your life. The online course provided me with the resources necessary to walk in purity based on the Word of God."

Regina, Holistic Purity 101™ Founding Student
Holistic Purity 101™ Founding Student

"I'm glad I went through this group course because I learned so much about myself and how to stay disciplined and really die to my flesh and pick up my cross. These last six weeks went by so fast, but it taught me so much and I just want to continue. I'm almost sad it's over because it's needed, especially in our walk. The fellowship aspect is so important but also being around other young women in the same space, going through the journey is so helpful. To see other people around my age that are working on purity in all aspects, not just abstaining from sex until marriage, but making sure we're giving, tithing, taking care of God's temple, holding every thought captive, holistically...everything. I'm glad I made sure I prioritized this course. I'm grateful for the experience. I would go through it again."

Summer, Holistic Purity 101™ Graduate
Holistic Purity 101™ Graduate

"Thank you so much. This course was amazing! I liked every single aspect. There's nothing I would have changed. It was very fulfilling and definitely worth what I paid for it--even if I had to pay more, I wouldn't have minded!"

Katherine, Holistic Purity 101™ Graduate
Holistic Purity 101™ Graduate

It's Time to Confidently Walk in Purity!

It's hard enough living a lifestyle of holistic purity without having a proven plan and a network of support...unless, of course you are trying to make things harder than they have to be.

It's time to finally ditch fear, shame, self-doubt, and isolation. Sign up for Holistic Purity 101™ and learn how to confidently walk in purity based on the Word of God.

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Who Teaches Holistic Purity 101?

Erica N. Williams Benjamin is a Christian Speaker, Author, and Entrepreneur. Before she started her purity journey in September 2011, she did not have the best examples of how to walk in purity, but she knew she wanted to honor God. She struggled in the beginning with many starts and stops, but as she became honest with herself and looked at the reasons she struggled so much, things got a little better because she tweaked her journey to what worked for her. She learned things that triggered her temptations, the importance of setting boundaries when dating and just surrendered to the leading of the Holy Spirit along the journey.

God changed every aspect of her life through her purity journey, and she knew she wanted to leverage her knowledge and resources to help other women achieve this transformation.

Since 2014, Erica has helped countless women overcome sexual strongholds and re-center their focus on God, and strengthen their relationship with Him. Today, Journey to Purity® has a community of hundreds of like-minded women from across the world, all on the same journey as you, ready to support you through your journey every step of the way.

You have Questions. We have Answers.

Can Holistic Purity 101™ help me if I'm still a virgin?

Absolutely! Holistic Purity 101™ is about more than just sexual purity. It's about learning how to study God's Word, understanding your identity in Christ, and walking in purity in every area of your life. Holistic Purity 101™ teaches you the proven plan to grow in your relationship with Christ and be equipped to fulfill God's purpose for your life.

How long is Holistic Purity 101™?

Holistic Purity 101™ is made up of 15 video lessons. You can go through the lessons and activities at your own pace, or you can join a class and go through it with others. Most classes meet once a week for six weeks for 45 to 90 minutes.

Are the weekly lessons live?

No, this course is not live. All Holistic Purity 101™ content is pre-recorded and will be provided weekly on a drip schedule. The course content is available to you so that you may review course materials at your own pace.

Can I share my login with others or in-person small groups?

Please don't. We encourage each individual user to purchase their own account in order to engage personally with both the course content and community.

What do I need to participate in Holistic Purity 101™?

We recommend having a Bible, wi-fi and a computer, smartphone, or tablet to access Holistic Purity 101™ course content. If you desire to take notes in addition to provided materials, a journal and pen would also be helpful.

Where can I sign up for a Holistic Purity 101™ class?

Email us at to learn more about how you can sign-up for an in-person or virtual class.

What denomination does Journey to Purity® represent? What is your Statement of Beliefs?

Journey to Purity University® is a non-denominational gathering of Christian women who honor God, desire to study His Word, and serve others. For more about our beliefs, please visit:

How do I know that your course is biblically sound?

Erica N. Williams Benjamin is the founder of Journey to Purity® and the creator of Holistic Purity 101™. In 2012, she gained her foundational Bible knowledge by participating in Ministers in Training at New Covenant Church in Statesboro, Georgia. Erica is passionate about sharing God's truth from the Bible. Although she does not have a seminary degree nor considers herself a theologian, she studies the Bible extensively to improve her teaching. Erica aims for Journey to Purity's resources to align with biblical teachings and encourages her community to examine her teachings against God's word, just as Paul encouraged the Bereans.

Do you offer group package prices for local churches and/or community organizations?

Yes. To inquire about how you can bring Holistic Purity 101™ to your organization, please email us at

How long will I have access to the course content?

You will have access to the course content for as long as your account is active.

Do you offer a satisfaction guarantee?

Yes. Your satisfaction is our priority! If you change your mind or aren't satisfied for any reason, just send an email to within 7 days of purchase and we'll give you a full refund within 24-48 business hours.



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